Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Long Live Green Smoothies!

The powerful, magical effects of GS on some individual

see below for larger image
See what Green Smoothies did to a health-barbarian friend:
After trying a portion of my greenish poisonous looking mixture, her imagination was soared and her creativity was boosted! And out of the blue popped up an idea for the illustration you see on the right and below:

by: Lisa Manneh
based on Green Smoothies life story

And this is her e-mail, expressing her enthusiastic view on Green Smoothies:

Fr CC:
weil du an mich denkst und mir noch dazu den DIY-kosmetik- link schickst, was sehr fair von dir is, beweis ich dir jetzt, dass "GREEN SMOOTHIES" GARANTIERT JEDE natürliche haarfarbe wiederherstellt denn was Clent (der weltberühmte) erlebt hat, muss einfach JEDE/N überzeugen selbst so gesundheits-barbaren wie mich!
es lebe dein grünes schaumgetränk!
Ps: es war übrigens ganz gut trotz der fragwürdigen farbnuancen!

A note from me:
Though I am now considered myself as a Green Smoothie fan, I am sorry to tell you that a pair of gray hair which sprouts on my head like an ant's antenna hasn't disappeared yet so far. 
I haven't lost over 100 kilos either, only 1 kilo, -which is fine by me, but I know somebody who has lost over 1.5 kilos within a month after drinking green smoothies. 
It is not much, but nevertheless it is quite something, considering the fact that he gains weight as easily as he breaths and has only added GS into his routine.
Thankfully, I don't have diabetes, and hopefully with the help from Green Smoothies, I will stay that way 

Long Live Green Smoothies! Long Live Health Junkies!


Marion said...

:-DDDDDD i love the green smoothie comic!!!!

Happy Healthy Long Life said...

Love it! I'm posting it right now

Ella said...

Genialer Comic!