loving, learning and living in Vienna
Lifestyle, Health, Integration, Foods and Drinks, Fun
Monday, June 1, 2015
Thursday, May 14, 2015
Matcha & Tee Zeremonie: Warum ist dieser Tee so gut und teuer?
Matcha 抹茶
Der Matcha-Tee, der feine grüne Pulver aus Japan, erfreut sich großer Beliebtheit.
Dem Gebräu werden sehr positive Effekte für die Gesundheit nachgesagt.
Ca 30 Euro für eine 30-Gramm-Dose ist ist der Edeltee recht teuer.
Aber warum ist der Tee so teuer und was ist wirklich dran?
Dem Gebräu werden sehr positive Effekte für die Gesundheit nachgesagt.
Ca 30 Euro für eine 30-Gramm-Dose ist ist der Edeltee recht teuer.
Aber warum ist der Tee so teuer und was ist wirklich dran?
Achtung, die nächste Teezeremonie findet im
Setagaya-Park, Hohe Warte 8, 1190 Wien
27. Mai 2018, 13.00-17.00 UhrGeschichte
Das japanische Wort 茶"cha" bedeutet Tee, 抹 "ma" wird als “Puder” übersetzt.
Andere Bedeutungen von 抹 sind wischen, putzen, abnehmen (Mütze, Hut) abziehen.
Andere Bedeutungen von 抹 sind wischen, putzen, abnehmen (Mütze, Hut) abziehen.
Etwa im 8.Jahrhundert kam die Sitte des Teetrinken aus China nach Japan. Der Zen-Mönch Eisai (1141-1215) lernte das Teepulver in China kennen, schriebt die erste japanische Abhandlung über den Tee. Er erkannte, dass der Tee die Konzentrationsfähigkeiten stärkte und Müdigkeit während der Meditation vermeiden half.
In der chinesischen Sung Zeit (960-1279) wurden die Teeblätter pulverisiert, und ergaben so den Pulvertee, der in Japan bekannt und später in der Teezeremonie verwendet wurde
und ist somit auch heute noch ein essentieller Teil der japanischen Kultur.
und ist somit auch heute noch ein essentieller Teil der japanischen Kultur.
Die Teezeremonie erhielt ihre vollendete Gestaltung unter Sen no Rikyu (1522-1591), der die Teezeremonie “wabicha“ 侘び茶Tee des stillen Geschmacks (Einfachheit, Bäuerlichkeit und andere bescheidene Eigenschaften) entwickelte.
和WA die Harmonie
敬KEI der Respekt
清SEI die Reinheit,
寂JAKU die Stille
Sen no Rikyu: „Bereite eine köstliche Schale Tee;

Vor dem Genuss des grünen Tees werden kleine, süße japanische Kuchen gereicht.
Koicha' übersetzt „starker Tee“ (das Pulver bei dieser Form der Teezubereitung nur mit sehr wenig Wasser aufgegossen):
ca. 2 Bambuslöffel Matcha (ca. 1 Teelöffel) für 60 ml Wasser.
Herstellung von Matcha
Matcha wird aus beschattetem Tee der ersten Pflückperiode im Mai gewonnen.
Sen no Rikyu: „Bereite eine köstliche Schale Tee;
lege die Holzkohle so, dass sie das Wasser erhitzt;
ordne die Blumen so, wie sie auf dem Feld wachsen;
im Sommer rufe ein Gefühl von Kühle,
im Winter warme Geborgenheit hervor;
bereite alles rechtzeitig vor;
stelle dich auf Regen ein,
und schenke denen, mit denen du dich zusammenfindest, dein ganzes Herz.“
Ablauf der Tee Zeremonie für die Gäste
Vor dem Eintritt des Teeraums:
Durch den Garten gehen
Setagaya Park http://loving-living-in-vienna.blogspot.co.at/2012/07/setagaya-park.html |
Mund und Hände aus einem mit Wasser gefüllten Steinbecken (tsukubai) reinigen → symbolisch: Herz und Seele werden von allen unreinen Gedanken befreit
Vor dem Genuss des grünen Tees werden kleine, süße japanische Kuchen gereicht.
Der erste Gast beugt und sagt: "chodai itashimasu"
(Ich werde die Süssigkeiten genießen), und wendet sich zum nächsten Gast und sagt: "o-saki ni” (Verzeihen Sie, dass ich vor Ihnen dran war).
Er nimmt die Süssigkeiten und isst sie.
Matcha Tee beim Cha No Ma |
ca. 2 Bambuslöffel Matcha (ca. 1 Teelöffel) für 60 ml Wasser.
'Usucha' (dieser Tee wird eher schwach und mild zubereitet):
1 Bambuslöffel Matcha
1 Bambuslöffel Matcha
Wasser Temperatur: ca.80°C 1 Minute ziehen lassen.
Die Teetasse ist nur 1/3 voll.
Die Teetasse ist nur 1/3 voll.
Herstellung von Matcha
Matcha wird aus beschattetem Tee der ersten Pflückperiode im Mai gewonnen.
Die Teegärten werden ca. 3 Wochen vor der Ernte zu ca. 90% beschattet
Nur noch 10 Prozent der eigentlichen UV-Strahlung zu den erreichen die Pflänzchen → um den Mangel ausgleichen, wird mehr Chlorophyll produziert → mehr Inhaltsstoffe, die in den Blättern einen zarten und süßlichen Geschmack aufbauen.
Die Blätter werden nach der Ernte 10-20 Sekunden gedämpft
Wasserdampf stoppt die Fermentation und hält das Teeblatt frisch Bei einer Temperatur von bis zu 180ºC werden die Blätter getrocknet
Die Temperatur und die Trocknungsdauer sind abhängig von den jeweiligen Wetterverhältnissen
Steinmühlen zermahlen die Tenchablätter zu einem feinen Pulver.
Für rund 30 Gramm des Tees mahlen die Steinmühlen etwa eine Stunde (!)
Die durchschnittliche Pulvergröße des Matcha beträgt um die 5 bis 10
Mikrometer (1 Mikrometer: 1/1000 mm!)
Nährstoffe im Matcha / Gramm
61 mg
34 mg
14.26 mg
35 mg
318 mg
447 mg
Vitamin C
1.75 mg
Vitamin A
291 Einheiten
26.6 mg
3 kcal
Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen verschiedener Forscher
Grüne Tee soll:
- Proteine und DNA der Zellen vor Karzinogenen schützen
- die Entstehung von Tumoren zu verhindern / deren Fortschreiten hemmen.
- dem Wachstum und der Metastasierung von Tumoren EGCG entgegenwirken, indem es entscheidende Enzyme hemmt antimikrobielle Wirkung haben
- durch Hemmung des Wachstums und des Anheftens von Streptokokken auf Zähnen, beugt EGCG und ECG der Entstehung von Karies vor
- eine Reduktion des kardiovaskulären Risikos um etwa 11% für einen Teegenuss von drei Tassen täglich
- ....
Prof. Ulrich Engelhardt vom Institut für Lebensmittelchemie an der Technischen Universität Braunschweig behauptet jedoch, dass "Ein gewisser positiver Effekt von Matcha auf die Gesundheit ist erkennbar. Es gibt keine systematischen Studien, die Unterschiede zwischen Matcha und anderen Grüntees nahelegen.”
Fukushima Gefahr?
In Tee aus Uji (Umgebung von Kyoto) und den Provinzen Yame, Kumamoto, Miyazaki und Kagoshima wurde keine Radioaktivität (Cäsium 137 und 134) festgestellt. Diese Gebiete liegen im Westen der von der Strahlung betroffenen Gegenden.
Grenzwerte in Becquerel/kg für Nahrungsmittel
USA: 1200 Bq/kg
Kanada: 1000 Bq/kg
Internationaler Codex: 1000 Bq/kg
EU: 500 Bq/kg
Japan: 100 Bq/kg
Am 1. April 2012 reduzierte Japan den Grenzwert von 500 Bq/kg auf 100 Bq/kg für 17 Provinzen und ordnete häufigere Kontrollen für Lebensmittel, die den Grenzwert überschreiten an.
Teehäuser In Wien
- Matcha Komachi: Operngasse 23, 1040 Wien, Öffnungszeiten: Mo-Sa 13:00–21:30, Sa & Feiertag:11:00-21:00
- Cha No Ma: Faulmanngasse 7, 1040 Wien, Öffnungszeiten: Mo-Sa: 10:00 - 18:00
Saturday, May 17, 2014
The danger of green smoothies? Part 1
Almost two years ago I started to develop skin rashes on my arm pits that slowly spread out onto my upper body.
It was so itchy and uncomfortable that I had to scratch the skin until it was raw, and bleeding. When the itchiness stopped, I felt a surge of pleasure and relieve, at least for a while before it started off again.
My ears, nose and my eye lids were also affected.
At nights, I would scratch my ears and nose till they were red and swollen, I could not sleep for days and was exhausted when I got up.
I had tried homeopathy, Schüssler Salt, holistic approach, natural remedies, various cremes and some other means before I gave up and finally decided to see a dermatologist.
The first doctor I found on the internet site who got the best review took a glance at my arm pits and diagnosed me with 'Schuppenflechte' (psoriasis). I was not convinced by his (in)competence and quick diagnose though, since I thought the the symptoms I got were different from those of psoriasis.
Fortunately the second dermatologist who worked together with him was more patient with me, ordered some tests and even did some biopsy to eliminate my worries that I had lupus.
He gave me some advice, not to take a bath but a shower, and put on some creme on my skin after the shower. He also prescribed antihistamine and cortison pills that I had to take everyday for a couple of weeks.
The medicine helped me but only to certain extent, As soon as I reduced the dosage, the rashes and itchiness came back again and I had to take the cortison again.
I was so desperate thinking that I could not possibly spend my life suffering from this annoying rashes, being deprived from sleep, and having to take cortison everyday?
But what worst was the feeling of not knowing what triggered the problem. If even a very high qualified dermatologist couldn't help me out, who could?
I tried to think positive, but it was very hard to do when I knew that I would suffer this unbearable torture for the rest of my life, unless I took cortison everyday, and maybe even needed to increase the dosage after sometime? Maybe I would end up looking like a balloon and suffering from other illness due to the side effects of prolonged use of the medicine?
My life was in tatters, I was very depressed and desperate.
Then the thought that it was I myself, not those 9 otorhinolaryngologists I saw, who found out what was wrong with me when I suffered from chronic throatsore in the past, gave me some glimmer of hope. It is true that doctors are supposed to know a human body and its functions better than any layperson does, but I don't have any doctors who monitor my body for 24 hours.
I am basically the one who knows how my body feels since I live in it, only IF I pay enough attention to it. Only I didn't, then.
So I tried real hard to think what I had done differently before and after the skin problems.
I recked my brain for days, and eventually realized that I spent a load of free time writing articles on my new blog, checking for any comments and sitting up in front of my laptop everyday. I hardly went out enjoying myself since I was addicted to my new hobby. My bum even felt sore and I got stiff neck too, but I ignored the discomfort.
So my first suspicion was that I developed a contact allergy against the material of the keyboard! It had to be it! Or my skin didn't have enough sunlight to produce the vitamin D my body needed?
I liked my blog, but if it meant I had to suffer from the unbearable skin disease, I had to take a break, or let it go completely, hard as it was.
I stopped writing on my blog and hoped fervently my problem would go away eventually.
So you all know now the reason for my long silence / absence.
So I had to think hard again.
What was it...what did I do wrong? Differently?
And another thought popped up: My diet had changed since I was introduced to the wonder of green smoothies!
I had been drinking green smoothies everyday, adding some (wheat, barley) grass powder, believing the grass can boost my energy level.
I even took my mini blender with me on vacation to make my own smoothies. Bought the wheat grass in an organic shop in Riga and almost got a big problem in an airport at the checking point because of the suspicious green powder I carried in my handbag. Maybe the security check thought it was green colored heroin?
Because of my ambitious green smoothies project, I was even almost involved in a shooting accident in Billa, a chain grocery shop nearby, when trying to sneak into a suspiciously empty shop that was usually very crowded, to get some green salad for my beloved green smoothies.
It turned out that a costumer, accused of shoplifting and then detained in the office, suddenly went berserk and produced a pistol, threatening to kill himself. The police and WEGA (the Elite Unite of Austrian Police) were called, and the security guy ordered all the customers to leave and left the entrance of the shop unguarded for a minute or two. In my haste to get the salad, I failed to notice the peculiarity of the situation: the crowd outside that was watching the scene with interests, and the deserted shop inside with a trolley lying, instead of standing on the floor, as if dropped hastily by its owner, several unattended shopping carts, and no soul could be seen anywhere. I only had an eye for the salad, and in the process of grabbing one, when the security guy spotted me, the uninvited guest, and screamed his head off, pushing me roughly outside.
It was very embarrassing for me with the spectators looking at me in bewilderment and disheartening too since I didn't get my salad for the green smoothies that day.
To be Continued:
My neck is stiff, I have to stop.
You can motivate me to continue writing with your comments on this subject....:-)
It was so itchy and uncomfortable that I had to scratch the skin until it was raw, and bleeding. When the itchiness stopped, I felt a surge of pleasure and relieve, at least for a while before it started off again.
My ears, nose and my eye lids were also affected.
At nights, I would scratch my ears and nose till they were red and swollen, I could not sleep for days and was exhausted when I got up.
I had tried homeopathy, Schüssler Salt, holistic approach, natural remedies, various cremes and some other means before I gave up and finally decided to see a dermatologist.
The first doctor I found on the internet site who got the best review took a glance at my arm pits and diagnosed me with 'Schuppenflechte' (psoriasis). I was not convinced by his (in)competence and quick diagnose though, since I thought the the symptoms I got were different from those of psoriasis.
Fortunately the second dermatologist who worked together with him was more patient with me, ordered some tests and even did some biopsy to eliminate my worries that I had lupus.
He gave me some advice, not to take a bath but a shower, and put on some creme on my skin after the shower. He also prescribed antihistamine and cortison pills that I had to take everyday for a couple of weeks.
The medicine helped me but only to certain extent, As soon as I reduced the dosage, the rashes and itchiness came back again and I had to take the cortison again.
I was so desperate thinking that I could not possibly spend my life suffering from this annoying rashes, being deprived from sleep, and having to take cortison everyday?
But what worst was the feeling of not knowing what triggered the problem. If even a very high qualified dermatologist couldn't help me out, who could?
I tried to think positive, but it was very hard to do when I knew that I would suffer this unbearable torture for the rest of my life, unless I took cortison everyday, and maybe even needed to increase the dosage after sometime? Maybe I would end up looking like a balloon and suffering from other illness due to the side effects of prolonged use of the medicine?
My life was in tatters, I was very depressed and desperate.
Then the thought that it was I myself, not those 9 otorhinolaryngologists I saw, who found out what was wrong with me when I suffered from chronic throatsore in the past, gave me some glimmer of hope. It is true that doctors are supposed to know a human body and its functions better than any layperson does, but I don't have any doctors who monitor my body for 24 hours.
I am basically the one who knows how my body feels since I live in it, only IF I pay enough attention to it. Only I didn't, then.
So I tried real hard to think what I had done differently before and after the skin problems.
I recked my brain for days, and eventually realized that I spent a load of free time writing articles on my new blog, checking for any comments and sitting up in front of my laptop everyday. I hardly went out enjoying myself since I was addicted to my new hobby. My bum even felt sore and I got stiff neck too, but I ignored the discomfort.
So my first suspicion was that I developed a contact allergy against the material of the keyboard! It had to be it! Or my skin didn't have enough sunlight to produce the vitamin D my body needed?
I liked my blog, but if it meant I had to suffer from the unbearable skin disease, I had to take a break, or let it go completely, hard as it was.
I stopped writing on my blog and hoped fervently my problem would go away eventually.
So you all know now the reason for my long silence / absence.
After Cortison But unfortunately the problem didn't go away.My nose, earlobes were still itching at nights, though the condition of the skin around my armpits improved . |
So I had to think hard again.
What was it...what did I do wrong? Differently?
And another thought popped up: My diet had changed since I was introduced to the wonder of green smoothies!
I had been drinking green smoothies everyday, adding some (wheat, barley) grass powder, believing the grass can boost my energy level.
I even took my mini blender with me on vacation to make my own smoothies. Bought the wheat grass in an organic shop in Riga and almost got a big problem in an airport at the checking point because of the suspicious green powder I carried in my handbag. Maybe the security check thought it was green colored heroin?
Because of my ambitious green smoothies project, I was even almost involved in a shooting accident in Billa, a chain grocery shop nearby, when trying to sneak into a suspiciously empty shop that was usually very crowded, to get some green salad for my beloved green smoothies.
It turned out that a costumer, accused of shoplifting and then detained in the office, suddenly went berserk and produced a pistol, threatening to kill himself. The police and WEGA (the Elite Unite of Austrian Police) were called, and the security guy ordered all the customers to leave and left the entrance of the shop unguarded for a minute or two. In my haste to get the salad, I failed to notice the peculiarity of the situation: the crowd outside that was watching the scene with interests, and the deserted shop inside with a trolley lying, instead of standing on the floor, as if dropped hastily by its owner, several unattended shopping carts, and no soul could be seen anywhere. I only had an eye for the salad, and in the process of grabbing one, when the security guy spotted me, the uninvited guest, and screamed his head off, pushing me roughly outside.
It was very embarrassing for me with the spectators looking at me in bewilderment and disheartening too since I didn't get my salad for the green smoothies that day.
To be Continued:
My neck is stiff, I have to stop.
You can motivate me to continue writing with your comments on this subject....:-)
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Heimat? Wo bist Du? 家乡?你在哪?
Heimat? Wo bist Du?
Die Suche nach Heimat
Die 'große Krise' dauerte lange genug, jahrelang.
Aber das Leben ist voller Überraschungen, durch die Krankheit, an der ich gelitten habe, habe ich endlich den Begriff 'Heimat' mit anderen Augen gesehen und ihn verstanden.
Friday, February 15, 2013
Energy vampire
I came across the the term "Energy Vampire" in some article some years ago and wished that I had been aware of the danger involved in a relationship with an energy vampire much earlier before too much damage had been done. I wished I could have turned back the time and saved myself from the destructive power,- that poetically said "almost sucked the life out of me".
I guess writing this article is an attempt to help me come to terms: I cannot change what has happened and it is no use to cry over spilt milk. Life has to go on. It is humane to err. Blah, blah. And so on.
But I also want to warn others not to make the same mistakes I had commited, and save themselves from the dangerous energy vampires.
Huh, but what is actually an energy vampire?
Watch out... |
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Mentoring & Job, das Leben als Mentee & Jobsuchende
Kontaktepool Fotowerbewerb, mein Bild ist das zweite von links in der zweiten Reihe. Der neunte Platz von 10, wie peinlich! |
Im Gegenteil, ich bin sehr dankbar, dass es dieses Program gibt, das mir Chance gab, meine jetzige Mentorin kennenzulernen und diese Arbeit zu finden.
Was ist ein Mentoringprogram?
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Williams Syndrome: Behind the smiling, cheerful face
Picture from: Williams Syndrome
I am always interested in learning something new, so I read quite a lot. 'Learning by reading (interesting things!)', that is my motto.
This time I am reading a novel about an 8 year old red haired child who has remarkable hearing and strong language skills, looks like an elfin and is very friendly to EVERYONE.
She smiles a lot, even seeks physical contact with strangers (hugging, etc). Wow, an over-friendly, cheerful child, I thought. I have never met anyone like that before, or maybe I have been ignorant? True, I had bumped into some nice looking people carrying a sign 'A Hug is Free!' but I don't think they fitted into the descriptions above, at least not a single one of them looked like an elfin, otherwise I would probably have been running into their arms and giving them hugs for free.
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Autumn, the season of joy?
Thursday, September 20, 2012
"Wie gefährlich ist Grüne Smoothie?" How dangerous is your Green Smoothie?
![]() |
Von lisamanneh |
Antwort von Frau Mag. Mörixbauer (Ernährungsexpertin in Wien) auf meine Frage nach dem Oxalsäure Gehalt in Grüne Smoothies
Quelle: GESÜNDER LEBEN, September Aufgabe:
Oxalsäure in Gemüse oder Obst ist für gesunde Personen mit normalem Essverhalten kein Problem.
Lediglich Menschen, die zu Nierensteinen neigen sollten darauf achten.
Hohe, nennenswerte Werte werden nur in wenigen Lebensmitteln erreicht, vor allem in Rhabarber, Spinat, Mangold, Roten Rüben, Sauerampfer, Nüsse, Kakaopulver, Kleie und schwarzem Tee.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Sweden: The Dream Nation?
Swedish Star as Natascha Kampusch |
Saturday, August 25, 2012
language: significant role in the process of integration?
I initiated a poll and discussion on the role of language in the process of integration in the hope for gaining some insight from other people's views on this subject.
One person who expressed her regret that she spoke and understand German so well, found that the Austrians don't have good sense of humor
the other said that the Austrians have judgmental attitude,
poor hygiene,
What do YOU think?
You can follow this interesting discussion by clicking on the title above.
Share your thoughts with us.
You can post your comments on my blog anonymously.
One person who expressed her regret that she spoke and understand German so well, found that the Austrians don't have good sense of humor
the other said that the Austrians have judgmental attitude,
poor hygiene,
What do YOU think?
You can follow this interesting discussion by clicking on the title above.
Share your thoughts with us.
You can post your comments on my blog anonymously.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Long Live Green Smoothies!
The powerful, magical effects of GS on some individual
See what Green Smoothies did to a health-barbarian friend:
After trying a portion of my greenish poisonous looking mixture, her imagination was soared and her creativity was boosted! And out of the blue popped up an idea for the illustration you see on the right and below:
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
A place called home?
Some years back when I was in a deep crisis, I wanted so badly to leave Vienna and lived somewhere else, a place I could call 'home'. But after looking at, searching for, seeing and visiting places and comparing them with Vienna, I came to realize two things:
Donau Turm Just click on the pictures for a larger and the next image |
Friday, August 3, 2012
Integration, aber wie?
Ja, leider, sagte ich. Wir sind nicht in Österreich aufgewachsen, und daher beherrschen wir diese Sprache nicht perfekt. Sobald wir unseren Mund aufmachen, merkt man gleich, dass wir keine Inländer sind. Und viele Firmen wollen nur Leute anstellen, die deutsche Sprache mündlich UND schriftlich 'perfekt' beherrschen.
In meiner Studienzeit habe ich hier Leute aus verschiedenen Ländern kennengelernt, Kurden die aus Syrien und der Türkei kommen, Chinesen, Ägypter, Japaner, Amerikaner, und viele mehr, natürlich auch Leute aus Österreich. Ich habe mit einigen von ihnen bis heute noch Kontakt.
Wir sprachen miteinander am Anfang mit gebrochenem Deutsch, aber verstanden uns ziemlich gut.
So hat der Staatssekretär, Herr Sebastian Kurz anscheinend Recht, wenn er in seiner Rede sagt, dass man wirklich Deutsch können muss, um sich besser zu integrieren.
Nun, ob nur die Sprache, die wirklich die größte Rolle bei der Integration spielt?
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Thursday, July 26, 2012
MSG / Glutamat
An Radio Ö1
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
Ich höre gern Ihre Sendungen besonders Help! und Radio Kolleg und finde dass sie sehr gut, informativ und interessant sind.
Ich habe die Sendungen über Natriumglutamat mit grossem Interesse verfolgt da ich unter Unverträglichkeit gegen Natriumglutamat leide, auch wenn es noch keinen wissenschaftlichen Nachweis dafür gibt.
In Indonesien, wo ich geboren und aufgewachsen bin, verwendeten meisten Leute (leider auch meine Mutter) Glutamat.
(Anmerkung: Nicht nur in Indonesien, sondern auch in asiatischen Laden in Wien werden Glutamat in kleinen und großen Packungen verkauft)
(Anmerkung: Nicht nur in Indonesien, sondern auch in asiatischen Laden in Wien werden Glutamat in kleinen und großen Packungen verkauft)
Jetzt höre ich aber, dass mehr und mehr Indonesier die Verwendung von Glutamat ablehnen und sagen,
Sendung / Artikel über Green Smoothies?
Sg Damen und Herren
Ich habe dieses Email an Sie geschrieben, weil ich eine Frage zu den Empfehlungen des Gesundheitsministerium (Esspyramide) habe.
Auf dieser Seite werden die folgenden Portionen von Gemüse und Obst empfohlen:
Essen Sie täglich 5 Portionen Gemüse, Hülsenfrüchte und Obst.
Ideal sind 3 Portionen Gemüse und/oder Hülsenfrüchte und 2 Portionen Obst.
Eine Portion entspricht:
- Gemüse gegart (200 – 300 g),
- Rohkost (100 – 200 g),
- Salat (75 – 100 g),
- Hülsenfrüchte (roh ca. 70 – 100 g, gekocht ca. 150 – 200 g),
- Obst (125 – 150 g),
- Gemüse- oder Obstsaft (200 ml).
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Green Smoothie alert?
![]() |
Illustration by lisamanneh |
Are those used to poor diets get the benefits of green smoothies more than health conscious people..
(Note: Energy level may fluctuate due to different factors such as poor eating habits (no, not me, surely?!), thyroid problem (last time I let it checked, it was ok), sleep disorders (sometimes when I get excited, thinking about what articles I am going to write for this blog), depression (hmm, due Pre Menstrual Syndrome attack?), anemia (THIS can be the culprit), etc.)
I used to drink fruit juice in the morning but 1-2 hours later my stomach started to growl, an alarm signal saying that I had to eat something (this something was usually warm things like soup, rice and veggies, noodles, fish, or else, but cooked, mind you). If I waited longer, I felt weaker already. Maybe my blood sugar level was at that time already too low?
Now I don't seem to have that problem anymore, I only feel hungry but not weak if I eat later than usual.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
And that's how the fight started.....
One year, a husband decided to buy his mother-in-law a cemetery plot
as a Christmas gift.
The next year, he didn't buy her a gift.
When she asked him why, he replied,"Well, you still haven't used the
gift I bought you last year!"
And that's how the fight started.....
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Cooking like Jamie Oliver
Though I like trying and experimenting with new recipes, I rarely watch any cooking demonstrations on TV nor internet but prefer to look into cookbooks or eat at certain restaurants and ask the name of the dishes. I will then look up in the internet for more information on the dishes and the recipes, just for some inspirations and creating similar dishes to my liking afterwards.
But it is easier and more practical to learn how to cook new dishes from the demo on TV, you will argue, one can see exactly how things are done and cannot go wrong from there.
Yes, you are right. But it can be depressing too to see how those cooks prepare everything so quickly and easily while in reality one needs much more time and efforts to do exactly as those guys do. But if you are as quick and skillful as those guys, then lucky you.
But it is easier and more practical to learn how to cook new dishes from the demo on TV, you will argue, one can see exactly how things are done and cannot go wrong from there.
Yes, you are right. But it can be depressing too to see how those cooks prepare everything so quickly and easily while in reality one needs much more time and efforts to do exactly as those guys do. But if you are as quick and skillful as those guys, then lucky you.
Me, I am not a professional cook, never attended any cooking classes in my life (except at school when cooking was obligatory, but lucky me, for some unknown reason I was always assigned to do petty and harmless tasks only like peeling garlic or washing the veggies), so I cannot expect to do what the cooks on TV do namely set 4 different delicious dishes, in less than 30 minutes, as famous Jamie Oliver does.
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Events in /info on Vienna / Austria:
Free events / courses in the Vienna Public Libraries:
Events, consultation for migrants
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Events, consultation for migrants
The battle between 2 wolves
One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people.
He said, "My son, the battle is between two wolves inside us all."
"One is Evil - It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego."
"The other is Good - It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith."
The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather: "Which wolf wins?"
Finally, computer settings I understand.
My favorite: The mouse substitute!!
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